Not sure but what I know is that in 1.1 branch we have an issue with  
the Lucene plugin since we don't have a shutdown hook for it so when  
you stop XWiki there might be the Lucene index thread which isn't  
stopped. Could this be it?

Now there seems to be some AWT related issue in the stack trace below  
and that's strange. Would need to see a more detailed stack trace if  
you have any.


On Nov 9, 2007, at 3:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi
> When I build the xwiki 1.1 branch myself, I cannot undeploy or  
> shutdown
> JBoss normally anymore. This does noty happen if I use a binary  
> download.
> Any idea what might be wrong? Thanks.
> 15:00:27,254 ERROR [STDERR] 03:00:27.254 WARN   - Invalid feed URL:
> 15:00:41,878 INFO  [Server] Runtime shutdown hook called, forceHalt:  
> true
> 15:00:41,878 INFO  [Server] JBoss SHUTDOWN: Undeploying all packages
> 15:00:41,878 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] undeploy,
> ctxPath=/xwiki,warUrl=.../tmp/dep
> loy/tmp38404xwiki-web-standard-1.1-SNAPSHOT-exp.war/
> 15:00:43,956 ERROR [STDERR] Exception in thread "AWT-Windows"
> 15:00:43,956 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.IllegalStateException:  
> Shutdown in
> progress
> 15:00:43,956 ERROR [STDERR]     at
> java.lang.ApplicationShutdownHooks.add( 
> 39)
> 15:00:43,956 ERROR [STDERR]     at
> java.lang.Runtime.addShutdownHook(
> 15:00:43,956 ERROR [STDERR]     at
> 15:00:43,956 ERROR [STDERR]     at 
> 619)
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