Hi Vincent,

As U told me, i've tried the update from scratch (my XWiki 1.0 install ) 
to 1.2.

Here's what I did on my test server :

* stop Tomcat container
* drop MySQL XWiki database, recreate it empty, and inject the 
production dump
* delete the whole content of $webapp
* unjar xwiki-enterprise-web-1.2.war in $webapp
* copy mysql-connector-java-5.1.5-bin.jar to /WEB-INF/lib/
* edit /WEB-INF/xwiki.cfg : adding the xwiki.upload.tempdir parameter
* edit /WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml : set the good username and password 
for MySQL connection, uncomment MySQL parameters
* edit /skins/albatross/global.vm : change "#set($regurl = 
$xwiki.getURL("XWiki.Register", "register"))" with #set($regurl = 
$xwiki.getURL("XWiki.RegisterNewUser", "view"))
* restart Tomcat container
* access the homepage with the browser : long time to display, because 
updating the database --> xwikiLogFirstHttpCall.txt 

see lower for the results and comments :)

Vincent Massol wrote:
> Hi Julien,
> On Jan 22, 2008, at 2:18 PM, Julien Oix wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I want to upgrade XWiki to the latest version, using the war package.
>> Indeed, my XWiki's encoding, as the MySQL database, are latin1
>> (ISO-8859-1) and with version 1.0, when I display any previous version
>> of a page using the "History" function, accents and all special  
>> entities
>> are displayed as "?" (I didn't find any JIRA issue matching this :)
>> So I can't rollback any page whitout losing accents, and it's the main
>> reason for this upgrade.
>> Starting from
>> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Installation, i've
>> read
>> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ReleaseNotesXWikiEnterprise12
>> wich leads to
>> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ 
>> ReleaseNotesXWikiEnterprise112
>> in my case.
>> Here what I did on a test server with its own Tomcat and MySQL  
>> containers :
>> 1- copy from the production server the whole $webapp directory and  
>> dump
>> the xwiki database
>> change hibernate.cfg.xml that it talks to the copied test database
>> restart all and check i've the same wiki
>> 2 - delete all the content of $webapp.
>> unjar xwiki-web-standard-1.1.2.war in this empty directory.
>> edit /WEB-INF/xwiki.cfg (adding the xwiki.upload.tempdir line),
>> /WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml (changing the mysql connection) and
>> /skins/albatross/global.vm (there is a little change in order to
>> restrict registration with a password).
>> restart all the stuff (apache, tomcat)
>> --> I find my wiki as with the 1.0 install, but the bug is still here
>> 3 - import the FixRCS.xar as written on the 1.1.2 release note :
>> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/Main/ReleaseNotesXWikiEnterprise11M4/FixRCS.xar
>> trying to run it
> There's no need to run this script any more as it's been included in  
> the new automatic database migration process.
> When you upgraded to 1.2 you should have seen some logs in the console  
> or in the xwiki log file about this automatic migration.
> Check that all went well.
As mentioned higher, everything seems to go well during the new 
automatic database migration process, it's very "user friendly" :)
> [snip]
>> 4 - from this point, updating this 1.1.2 install with
>> xwiki-enterprise-web-1.2.war and the same process
>> --> I can't even access to the previous versions of any documents, it
>> shows me an exception.
>> Sorry for writing a lot, now my questions :)
>> 1 - Did I understand well the upgrade process ?
>> Do I have to upgrade first from 1.0 to 1.1.2 and then from 1.1.2 to  
>> 1.2 ?
>> Why running the FixRCS.xar content doesn't work after 1.1.2  
>> upgrade ? Is
>> that the reason why I can't update to 1.2 after, or why the bug is  
>> still
>> there ?
> I haven't tested all possible use cases (there are just too many  
> possibilities to try them all easily...). What I would do in your case  
> is start over from your 1.0 install and try upgrading to 1.2 directly  
> and see what the automatic upgrade process says. If you get any error  
> please report it here with the error you're getting. We want to make  
> this automatic database upgrade seamless so it's important that we  
> find out whatever can go wrong.
>> 2 - In which XWiki version this "special entities not displayed in old
>> revisions with ISO-8859-1 encoding" bug is fixed ?
> No idea. Why do you think it's fixed? If you know the jira issue then  
> you can check the version in which it's fixed.
Unfortunately, the bug is still here.

I edit the  homepage with the fresh 1.2 update : it creates a new revision
Displaying the older revision (the latest edited with the 1.0 install) 
everything is OK, accents are  displayed well.

But for all the older revisions tagged as "Minor Revisions" on the 
History screen, all the special entities are replaced with a "?", as in 
the 1.0 install

The bug seems to be fixed for all revisions edited with the 1.2 update, 
but the migration process doesn't seem to fix this for "1.0 edited" 
revisions : so it's a good thing that all new revisions aren't affected, 
but it would be nice to fix the display for all of revisions, no ?
>> 3 - Has someone tried the same upgrade ? Did U succeed ?
> I've tried upgrading from 1.1 to 1.2 but not from 1.0 to 1.2.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
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I've just read the last Ricardo's post about Lucene message in 
catalina.out, and I have some too, I don't know exactly which action on 
the wiki produced them, but here's a trace here : 


Julien Oix - Université Paris Diderot Paris 7

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