Hi Vitantonio,
thanks for this snippet :-)

It would be even better if you could post it on code.xwiki.org, in the code
Snippet section.

Thanks in advance,


On 22/02/2008, Vitantonio Messa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've written a macro that allows to print just one section from an
> xwiki-page.
> I don't know if someone could find it useful, anyway, here it is.
> ---------------------------------------
> #macro(allowPrintSection)
> <form action=$doc.getURL() method=post>
>   <input type="hidden" name="pageName" value="$doc.getFullName()" />
>   <select name="printSection">
>     #set ($i = 0)
>     #set ($tocData = ${doc.getTOC(2, 2, false)})
>     #foreach ($tocEntry in $tocData.entrySet())
>       #set ($i = $i+1)
>       <option
> value="$i">$xwiki.parseContent($tocEntry.value.text)</option>
>     #end
>   </select>
>   <input type="submit" class="button" style="margin:auto;" value="Print
> section"/>
> </form>
> #if($request.printSection)
>   #set ($sections = $doc.getContent())
>   #set ($i = 0)
>   #foreach ($section in $sections.split("
> 1.1 "))
>     #if ($i == $xwiki.parseInt($request.printSection))
>       #set ($newContent = $section)
>     #end
>     #set ($i = $i+1)
>   #end
>   #set ($newContent = "1.1 "+$newContent)
>   #set ($newDoc = $xwiki.getDocument("Main.PRINT_tmpSectionToPrint"))
>   #if ($newDoc == $xwiki.getNull())
>     #if (!$xwiki.copyDocument($request.pageName,
> "Main.PRINT_tmpSectionToPrint"))
>       *Error while printing section...*
>     #end
>   #end
>   $newDoc.setContent($newContent)
>   $newDoc.save()
>   Section ready to be printed: <a href="$newDoc.getURL('view',
> 'xpage=print')">click here</a>.
> #end
> #end
> Any ideas or suggestions are welcome!
> Vito
> --
> Vitantonio Messa
> +358 46 889 48 49 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> COSS - The Finnish Centre for Open Source Solutions
> @ Technology Centre Hermia Ltd.
> Hermiankatu 1, FIN-33720 Tampere, FINLAND
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