Hi Dan,

Dan wrote:
> Thanks a lot. But maybe I made it confused, English is not my mother 
> language.

It is not your fault! You clearly said "login", no "logout". Sorry!
> In fact what I need is that after the user entering username/password and 
> click the log-in button, the next page should be the user's profile page. 
> For example, after entering username/password the user Admin click log-in, 
> then the coming page should be 
> http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/Admin
> The problem is that before log-in, we can't get the username and user 
> profile page URL in global.vm  because we don't know which user will exactly 
> log-in.

I guess this must be done by hacking the same template. Let me take a 
look. Once you hit the login button, you already has the needed 
information. I keep guessing the the value to be considered is $loginurl 
instead of $logouturl...

#set($loginurl = $xwiki.getURL("XWiki.XWikiLogin", "login", 
      <a class="glink" href="$!loginurl" 

I will try to have this done and come back if I am able to get this done.



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

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