  Surely right, but as beginners which is better for us? And I put sql
plugin in WEB-INF/lib directory and wrote the following code, it neither
shows any error nor changed the table.

##receive database
#set  ($mydb=$xwiki.sql.getDatabase("test"))

#set ($myname="prinsi")
#set ($myid=876)
#set  ($result=$mydb.executeUpdate(
             'update projects set assignee=? where id=?',

Where assignee and id are columns of table projects, I have added
ua.gradsoft.xwikisql.SqlPlugin to list of active plugins in
<webapp-root>/WEB-INF/xwiki.cfg and restarted xwiki.

> On May 14, 2008, at 12:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  I have to deal some external data in xwiki. Is it require to connect
>> xwiki with Mysql through Hibernate.cfg or Is it possible through
>> program
>> using velocity or groovy? Is velocity enough for transactions? One
>> another Qn. a groovy code should be called by a velocity code?
> Everything is possible... your imagination is the limit :)
> See the sql plugin for example:
> http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Plugins/XWikiSqlPlugin
> Thanks
> -Vincent
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