Thats the part of the login in the Login.vm in the templates folder.

What should i change here?. I am not quiet familiar with xredirect and html 
thats why its a little confusing for me.

Thanks again

Original Message:

<br />On May 16, 2008, at 4:36 PM, Hosam Hassan wrote:
<br />
<br />> Hello Vincent,
<br />>
<br />> Where can i pass the xredirect parameter in the URL?
<br />
<br />hmm... in the login.vm file. Try changing the one in templates/
<br />
<br />-Vincent
<br />
<br />> Original Message:
<br />>
<br />> Hi,
<br />> <br />
<br />> <br />I think you can pass the xredirect parameter in the URL to  
<br />> redirect to
<br />> <br />the page you want. Right now users are redirected to the page  
<br />> they
<br />> <br />asked and not to Main.WebHome (unless they asked for that page  
<br />> of
<br />> <br />course ;)).
<br />> <br />
<br />> <br />Thanks
<br />> <br />-Vincent
<br />> <br />
<br />> <br />On May 16, 2008, at 4:23 PM, Hosam Hassan wrote:
<br />> <br />
<br />> <br />> Hello guys,
<br />> <br />>
<br />> <br />> I want to redirect after login to a specific space instead of
<br />> <br />> getting redirected to the Main.Webhome. I want to redirect to
<br />> <br />> KnowledgeBase.Webhome for example
<br />> <br />>
<br />> <br />> I tried changing in the login.vml in the albatross folder  
<br />> but no use.
<br />> <br />>
<br />> <br />> Where can i change this?
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