I forgot to mention that the problem is in the first call of the image macro
inside my macro only. I tried calling the image macro before and after the
call to my recursive macro, and in both cases it worked without any

On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 4:57 PM, Tiago Rinck Caveden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello,
> I have a recursive velocity macro that calls the Image macro provided by
> XWiki. Weirdly, the call doesn't work only for the first call of this
> recursive function. All the subsequent ones (the really "recursive" calls)
> render the image perfectly. For the first call what's rendered is the code
> that calls the image macro, with the brackets and everything, as if I had
> escaped it somehow.
> Does anyway has any idea of what is happening?
> Maybe it helps if you can see the code, so here it goes. The calls to my
> macro and to the image macro are in bold:
> #macro (createChildrenNodes $parentNodeName $childrenSkillList)
>     #foreach ($skill in $childrenSkillList)
>       #set ($iconStyleClass = "ygtv")
>       #if($velocityCount == $childrenSkillList.size())
>         #set($iconStyleClass = $iconStyleClass + "l")
>       #else
>         #set($iconStyleClass = $iconStyleClass + "t")
>       #end
>       #if ($skill.hasChildren)
>          #set($iconStyleClass = $iconStyleClass + "p")
>       #else
>          #set($iconStyleClass = $iconStyleClass + "n")
>       #end
>       var node$skill.id = new YAHOO.widget.HTMLNode('<table border=0
> cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td><div
> class="$iconStyleClass"></div></td><td><a href="./EditSkill?skillId=$
> skill.id">$skill.name</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a
> href="./DefiningExistentSkills?do=delete&skillId=$skill.id">*{image:supprimer.bmp|13|alt=Click
> to delete skill $skill.name}*</a></td></tr></table>', $parentNodeName,
> true);
>       *#createChildrenNodes("node$skill.id" $skill.children)*
>     #end
>   #end
>   function treeInit()
>   {
>     var tree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView("treeview");
>     var root = tree.getRoot();
>     *#createChildrenNodes('root' $xwiki.cartography.getSkillTree())*
>     tree.draw();
>   }
>   treeInit();
> Thanks,
> --
> Tiago Rinck Caveden
> http://caveden.multiply.com

Tiago Rinck Caveden
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