
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 3:05 PM, Gaëtan GUYODO
> Hi again,
> I'm trying to add manager application to my XE 1.4.1 with the procedure
> described here:
> http://manager.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Installation#HConvertanexistingXWikiEnterpriseinstance
> I did the 3 first points.
> My main wiki domain name doesn't start with "www", so I "need to create
> a wiki server descriptor for it: add an XWiki.XWikiServerClass object to
> XWiki.XWikiServerXWiki page."

As it is written in the documentation the easiest way is to import XEM
xar which contains a default wiki descriptor for the main wiki (check
only XWiki.XWikiServerXwiki if you don't want the whole XEM
application). I just modified the documentation to be more clear about
main wiki descriptor.

By the way you can also always access your main wiki by IP or
"localhost" not only starting by "www".

> but I don't really understand what I have to do ? How can I find
> XWiki.XWikiServerXWiki page ? I didn't find it.
> Can anyone help me ?
> --
> __________________________________________
>              Gaëtan GUYODO
>            Chargé de mission
> Centre Antipoison - Hôpital Fernand WIDAL
>      200, rue du faubourg St Denis
>          75475 PARIS Cedex 10
> Tél: 01 40 05 49 63 / Fax: 01 40 05 48 56
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