Marco Weiß wrote:
> Ok i exported a wiki with 50,8 MB as xar, i had to increase the  
> max_upload in xwiki and max_allowed_packet size in mysql.
> But if i'll upload the file i get the followin error. 

You need to increase XWA_CONTENT field. See

You can also remove some pages inside xar (it is just zip package) and 
update package.xml to make it smaller.

>> ...
>>> Ok i changed this and tried again.
>>> My logfile tells me -->
>>> And the xwiki page looks so -->
>> Exception says that archive is broken, but it is strange that all
>> documents are affected.
>> Is saving of document working? (Try to add comment, edit/save  
>> document)
> That works fine, the wiki is productive, that means till today 30 user  
> in my company works with this xwiki
>> You can look at xwikircs db table.
>> (sql example: select * from xwikircs where doc.XWR_DOCID=<somedocid>)
> from where can i get a DOCID?

you have it in
 > com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 3103 in 3: Exception while
 > reading version [69.1] for document id [1 425 385 510]
so 1425385510 is docid.

also it available from velocity: $doc.getId()

   Artem Melentyev
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