
I think I now have it working. I edited the database by changing the  
xwd_author, xwd_content_author, and xwd_creator fields in all entries  
in the xwikidoc table from 'XWiki.Admin' to 'xwiki:XWiki.Admin'.

e.g. UPDATE XWIKIDOC SET XWD_AUTHOR = 'xwiki:XWiki.Admin' WHERE 1=1;

I can create the main workspace, and other workspaces. I can also  
promote Simple members to Power user or Global admin.

Do you think I'll run into problems using this workaround?



On Sep 29, 2008, at 11:57 AM, Jerome Velociter wrote:

> Are you now able to create the organization space ?
> Jerome.
> Dan Svoboda wrote:
>> Here's something that's going to be confusing. I wanted to make  
>> sure that the result from my previous post was not due to an error  
>> in the way I created the workspaces site from xem. So, I repeated  
>> the site creation, and ran the same script.
>> Result: xwiki:XWiki.Admin
>> Dan
>> On Sep 29, 2008, at 12:39 PM, Dan Svoboda wrote:
>>> I ran this in workspaces:
>>> $xwiki.getDocument("XWSCode.CreateOrgSpace").author
>>> Result:
>>> XWiki.XWikiGuest
>>> Dan
>>> On Sep 29, 2008, at 10:57 AM, Jerome Velociter wrote:
>>>> Indeed, it must be something else, and I could not reproduce this  
>>>> behavior :(
>>>> Could you run the following line from the manager wiki, and  
>>>> verify it is actually "xwiki:XWiki.Admin" and not "XWiki.Admin" :
>>>> $xwiki.getDocument("yourwiki:XWSCode.CreateNewWorkspace").author
>>>> (where yourwiki is the wiki identifier you used for the  
>>>> workspaces wiki).
>>>> Also, can you look into the logs of the web app to see if there  
>>>> is anything suspicious ?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jerome.
>>>> Dan Svoboda wrote:
>>>>> The answer is.... 4
>>>>> So I guess I have programming rights, and there's some other  
>>>>> problem.
>>>>> Dan
>>>>> On Sep 29, 2008, at 10:33 AM, Jerome Velociter wrote:
>>>>>> <% print 2 + 2 %>

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