jerem wrote:
> Hello,
> I created a FAQ application, pretty much like the template, but with an
> added "Category" field.
> This "Category" is stored in a DBTreeList property, and contains classified
> categories, sub-categories, sub-sub categories ...
> When in the context of an FAQ object, this list displays well, and lets the
> user choose to which category belongs the FAQ entry.
> To build the "WebHome" for this FAQ, I would like to give users opportunity
> to filter FAQ entries depending on this same Category. To do so, IMO what
> would be logical would be to display this same field based on property
> "Category", in edit mode (to have the drop-down list), but here there is no
> contextual object.
> Is there a way to do this easily ? I workarounded it by creating a fake
> object in my WebHome with same property definition as "Category", but then
> if I want to keep track of what is selected the object value has to be
> updated each time the user filters the view, and it will be updated for
> everyone, I think it's a quite ugly solution and I'm looking for something
> better ...
> I think this subject might already have been discussed, but could not find
> anything in the mailing-list,

I don't remember anything on this topic.

A quick suggestion:

- Don't use a real object, instead dynamically create one using
scripting, without saving it (#set($o = $doc.newObject('Your.Class'))
- To remember selected options between requests, put the object in the
URL, or in a form
- To reload the state from the request, use
$doc.updateObjectFromRequest('Your.Class'). This method automatically
creates a new object if one doesn't exist, so you don't even have to
call newObject. Just use:

#set($o = $doc.updateObjectFromRequest('Your.Class'))

Sergiu Dumitriu
users mailing list

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