Hi Sebastian,

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Sebastian Kannengiesser <
sebastian.kannengies...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I have some points that I don't understand in XWiki, which occur
> somehow like bugs to me.
> I just edited the WebHome article of the Main Space which came with
> the default XWiki-Xar-File.
> In that WebHome there are 2 sections defined, the first one being the
> started by a Title1 format caption and the second one being started by
> a Title2 format caption. First thing is, how can I get another section
> with Title2 format in that page. I couldn't find any documentation on
> this.

If you're editing the page in wiki mode, you can create new sections using
titles :
1 Level 1 title
1.1 Level 2 title
1.1 Another level 2 title
In WYSIWYG mode, you can do the same thing by writing content, highlighting
it and selecting the title level you want to use in the drop-down menu.
Please note that the WYSIWYG editor associated with XWiki 1.0 syntax is old
and will be updated soon.

> When editing the page in XWiki1.0 syntax I tried to add a section by
> having a "1.2" prefix after the existing "1" and "1.1" section, but
> that results in 1.2 being printed on the resulting  page instead of a
> Title2 headline and a new section. When I format Title2 using WYSIWYG,
> I get HTML syntax in Wiki-Syntax instead of 1.2 (which didn't work
> before). The result is, that the page has a new bold Title2 headline,
> but still no new section (besides the syntax being strange - HTML).
> Another point is, that I just reedited that page and now, after
> saving, the first section, the one with the Title1 headline is no
> longer editable. WebHome points to section 2 directly, though I still
> see the content in the page.
> Last point is: How can I get XWiki2.0 Syntax working? I enabled it in
> xwiki.cfg, but that doesn't seem to have any effect.

Do you succeed in making it work on a per-page basis? That is, when you edit
a page, select XWiki 2.0 in the syntax menu on the right, save the page then
edit it again has it switched to XWiki 2.0?

> I really hope, you can give me some hints on my troubles. BTW, I'm
> using MSSQL 2000, if that could be involved in the problems.

I don't know muwh about MSSQL 2000 but I think it doesn't matter at all
since Hibernate provides an abstraction layer here (I may miss an unexpected
bug though).

Hope this helps,

> Many thanx in advance.
> Cheers,
> Sebastian
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