On Apr 3, 2009, at 10:11 PM, hel-o wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm not sure I understand. What link would you like to see where?
> My starting point was always the xwiki.org Documentation Page
> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ProductDocumentation
> But IMHO it schould not be organized by products. There should be a  
> general section with links to the administration and development docu

I agree, we've actually talked about doing this with other committers.  
In addition we've decided that we want to have only one product (XE)  
and make all other products just add-ons/extensions of XE.

> and links to the platform features and a product section with the  
> rest (by the way are'nt enterprise manager and watch applications  
> and the platform is not a product not a application)

The platform is indeed not a product.

I wanted to work on this reorg but haven't found the time yet. If  
someone wants to start it let me know and we can talk it over.


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