Vincent Massol wrote:
> Maybe this documentation would help:

Indeed, it's all there, so this make the FAQ entry useless.

I could not find it (nor a link to it) in the 2 places I looked for:

- Features on
- search for "tags" (ok, the tag application is on the second result 
page and I did not click, bad assumption from me here)

All that to say 2 things (which are actually almost the same) :
- It's not natural to look for user documentation on
- We need more internal links. Mainly because our search is not yet 100% 
relevant, and because it's not natural to look for user documentation in 
application space on I would have been able to find it 
if it were linked from the Features space, ;ike:
 Features -> Organize your documents (Spaces and Tags) -> Tag 
application on

Just to brainstorm on documentation "findability",
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> On Apr 7, 2009, at 7:38 AM, Jerome Velociter wrote:
>> Hi Jeremie,
>> Jeremie wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> It'm trying to use "tags" as a more structured categorization  
>>> feature.
>>> First I saw that in tagedit.vm, we can change to a select list  
>>> instead of an input field for entering tags. I changed this in the  
>>> displayEdit property for XWiki.TagClass, but without effect.
>>> In tagedit.vm we have (XWiki 1.5) :
>>> #set($displayType =  
>>> $ 
>>> xwiki 
>>> .getDocument 
>>> ("XWiki.TagClass").xWikiClass.tags.getProperty('displayType').value)
>>> #set($possibleTags = $tdoc.tagsPossibleValues)
>>> ....
>>> First line is ok and says "select", but $tdoc.tagsPossibleValues is  
>>> always empty ...
>>> So my question is : where is defined the list of possible tags for  
>>> page(s) ? I though it was the "tags" field of page XWiki.TagClass,  
>>> but it seems it's not ...
>> I didn't even know this feature! I checked the code of
>> "getTagsPossibleValues" in
>> (,r=11430/xwiki/xwiki- 
>> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/ 
>> the list is constructed based of pipe-separated values in the "tags"
>> property of XWiki.TagClass (this is the moment I discovered that tags
>> are stored as a static list, too ;))
>> So if you say "tag1|tag2|tag3" here, this is what
>> $doc.tagsPossibleValues will return you (as a list).
>> Hope this helps.
>> When you successfully do have the tags displayed as a select list with
>> finished list of possible values, what would be cool is that you  
>> create
>> a FAQ entry for it to explain how you did.
>> Cheers,
>> Jerome.
>>> Thanks for help,
>>> Jeremie
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