Cristi wrote:
> Is there a way to configure XWiki to allow section editing for Heading 3, 4 
> and above? I see that it allows by default only heading 1 and 2 to be editing 
> via the section editing mechanism. Perhaps there is a setting somewhere for 
> this?

Hi Cristi,

By default this is not configurable. But since this is Open Source, you 
can hack into the sources and modify it.

The places where to look:
- com.xpn.xwiki.render.filter.XWikiHeadingFilter#160, there's a check if 
the heading is 1 or 1.1. Add as many levels as you want.
- com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument#getSection (or getSection10 if you're 
using a very recent of the core). There's a regular expression that 
matches 1 and 1.1. Increase the number of repetitions to as many as you 

Recompile these classes and put them in your wiki.

If you are able to make this easily configurable, then you can be kind 
and provide a patch.

Sergiu Dumitriu
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