Hi Reto,

On May 19, 2009, at 8:30 AM, Reto Hotz wrote:

> Hi,
> I created an external link with the new wysiwyg editor (1.8.3). After
> that, I switch to wiki editor and the link looks like this:
> [[link>>xwiki:Sandbox.WebHome||rel="__blank"]]
> But rel="__blank" is not defined in the Syntax 2.0 (according to
> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/XWikiSyntax).
> Shouldn't it be
> [[link>>xwiki:Sandbox.WebHome||target="_blank"]] ?

target is not a valid XHTML attribute and since we generate valid  
XHMTL we couldn't use it. The XHTML way is to use "rel" and have a  
javascript that adds the bit to open the link in a new page.

The double underscore is simply to differentiate the rel value from  
any other valid value (I don't remember exactly the details).

is it not working?


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