Hi Dean,

Dean Weber wrote:
> Hi Vince,
> Thanks for the reply. I've poured over the postings and have not found
> anything helpful. That doesn't mean there isn't anything out there. If you
> look in my original request, I tried to show that I did my legwork by
> providing links. As proper etiquette would require, I research a lot before
> posting a request. I know it can be annoying for others to get the same
> frivolous requests over and over. 
> Our original Xwiki installation was the standalone package with the Jetty
> bundle. I don't know how to determine which version of Xwiki or I would
> state it. We are running it under a Red Hat Linux virtual machine. We have 3
> instances of Xwiki which I configured to use 3 different IP addresses. Each
> has their own port assignments. This allows me to have Release, Development
> and Staging instance of the Xwiki up and running simultaneously. 
> I did a find from the Linux command line as root to search for any xml files
> that would have been included in our original installation of wiki. All I
> found were the once I mention in my original post that I placed in the
> classes subdirectory as I learned to do.
> $ sudo find / -name *.xml -type f | grep hbm
> /opt/cedsyar/development/cedsyard_dsvr/webapps/xwiki/WEB-INF/classes/xwiki.oracle.hbm.xml
> It's obvious from the error output in my original post that I get from the
> browser that Xwiki is finding the file and attempting to load it but errors
> out. To me, this means I don't have the correct xwiki.oracle.hbm.xml file.
> So if the file I obtained from the links I provided is incorrect, then where
> is the correct file. You state it is part of the default install. I show you
> that no such file exists. 

Is this 
the same as your xwiki.oracle.hbm.xml ?

Hope this helps,

> Do I need to completely reinstall a different version of Xwiki in order to
> obtain the file I need to get Xwiki to integrate with Oracle? I don't want
> to have to switch from Jetty nor install Apache at this time. I would like
> to keep using the Jetty servlet container. All I want to do is get Xwiki via
> Hibernate to start using Oracle as its data store in order for us to have
> access to the underlying data via the database.
> Any help you have would be great. 
> Thanks 
> -Dean
> vmassol wrote:
>> Hi Dean,
>> Have you searched the mail archives? I'm pretty sure you'll find lots  
>> of people who are using oracle and xwiki.
>> The oracle HBM file is part of the default install. Same for the feeds  
>> one. You should not use the one you've used.
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 9:11 PM, Dean G Weber wrote:
>>> Surely someone has tried to put XWiki together with Oracle using the
>>> limited instructions available on-line. I can't believe that no one  
>>> has
>>> any pointers on why I can't get it working.
>>> Please help.
>>> Thanks
>>> Dean
>>> From:
>>> Dean G Weber/US/Raytheon
>>> To:
>>> users@xwiki.org
>>> Date:
>>> 07/08/2009 05:12 PM
>>> Subject:
>>> Can't get XWiki to work with Oracle
>>> I could use some help on getting an XWiki server working with Oracle.
>>> I followed the instructions here:
>>> http://platform.xwiki.org/XWiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/InstallationOracle
>>> The mentioned xwiki-oracle.hbm.xml file I finally found here:
>>> http://www.xwiki.org/XWiki/bin/view/FAQ/IsthereasimplewaygettingxwikiworkingwithOracle#Attachments
>>> .
>>> I placed it in the suggested  xwiki/Web-INF/classes sub-directory.
>>> But, I could not find a feeds.oracle.hbm.xml file anywhere. (Why  
>>> would the
>>> page mention those XML files yet not provide them?)
>>> I made the necessary changes to hibernate.cfg.xml file in WEB-INF. I  
>>> even
>>> placed the ojdbc5.jar (latest rev) in the webaps/WEB-INF/lib  
>>> directory. I
>>> know that the JDBC jar file is correct because I had to put it in the
>>> jetty/ext directory to get groovy script on one of our pages to
>>> successfully connect to a different Oracle instance and pull data  
>>> onto the
>>> page. (Side note: groovy classes really need to be on their own  
>>> separate
>>> pages due to parsing issues with velocity and groovy. This was a heard
>>> learned lesson).
>>> So, I made the changes from the above instructions and created an  
>>> xwiki
>>> user on my Oracle 10g express edition DB which I installed on our  
>>> Red-Hat
>>> Linux server. So far things seemed to go well until I tried to pull  
>>> it all
>>> together and fire up the xwiki server and connect to it from the  
>>> browser.
>>> Below is the error I received:
>>> HTTP ERROR: 500
>>> Error number 3 in 0: Could not initialize main xwiki context
>>> Wrapped Exception: Error number 3001 in 3: Cannot load class
>>> com.xpn.xwiki.store.migration.hibernate.XwikiHibernateMigrationManager
>>> from param xwiki.store.migration.manager.class
>>> Wrapped Exception: Error number 0 in 3: Exception while hibernate  
>>> execute
>>> Wrapped Exception: Could not parse mapping document from resource
>>> xwiki.oracle.hbm.xml
>>> RequestURI=/xwiki/bin/CEDSYard/
>>> Powered by Jetty://
>>> The request URI is the configured main page for our wiki. I see no new
>>> tables in the xe Oracle DB.
>>> All of the past emails on the subject in the user list haven't  
>>> supplied
>>> any answers. I really hope I can get some help on this.
>>> What do I need to do to get Oracle and xwiki to work together since  
>>> the
>>> instructions I've found miss crucial elements of the puzzle?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dean Weber
>>> Sr Software Engineer II
>>> Raytheon Technical Services Company LLC
>>> 6125 E 21 Street, MS 36
>>> Indianapolis, IN 46219 USA
>>> 317.306.2657 Phone
>>> 317.306.4253 Fax
>>> dean.g.we...@raytheon.com
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