
Hervé Agnoux wrote:
> Hi,
> I have plainty problems with XWiki Workspace, and no response. 
> Perhaps my 
> english ?
> Last of them : I'm trying FAQTutorial 
> (http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/FAQTutorial) ; first step 
> is search XWikiClasses.

The FAQ is an application for XWiki Enterprise. It's adaptable to XWiki 
Workspaces quite easily, though this require a little work from a 
developer (You can check out how other Workspaces applications are made, 
like the Blog or Files for example).
> Result (from Admin) : no document.

We've made the choice to hide all technical documents in workspaces even 
for the administrator users, since for most of them they do not make any 
kind of sense. You can point your browser to XWiki/XWikiClasses manually.
> I can't include a simple FAQ in workspace ?
> So XWiki Workspace doesn't work for me ?

Right now no developer is actively working on Workspaces. If you have 
technical insight and a little experience with XWiki you will be able to 
achieve adapting the FAQ to XWS. There is a draft tutorial targeting 
application creation in Workspaces at 

Hope this helps,
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