On Aug 13, 2009, at 5:41 PM, Ecaterina Valica wrote:

> I want to propose: *gnatcatcher*

Are you serious? :)

john doe> What skin are you using?
cati> natkatcher
cati> err wait... (looking up)
cati> gnatcatcher !
john doe> pardon me! Are you making fun of me?
cati> no no, this is real name, I assure you
cati> see 

> http://www.paulnoll.com/Oregon/Birds/Likely/thumbs-Gnatcatcher-Blue-gray.jpg
> http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Blue-gray_Gnatcatcher/id
> It's not that of a friendly name, but it has the colors similar to  
> the ones
> found in the skin.

Well the main point of this skin is that colors can be changed easily ;)

> He also eats bugs :)

That's a nice feature but I thought all birds were doing that :)

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