Well, if you don't want to play with the access to your local network you could 
try the xwiki.cfg file found in your webapps/xwiki folder (on tomcat it might 
be different).
There you have a section called URLs and it contain this paragraph. I believe 
it would do the trick.

        # URLs

        #-# The domain name to use when creating URLs to the default wiki. If 
set, the generated URLs will point to this server
        #-# instead of the requested one. It should contain schema, domain and 
(optional) port, and the trailing /. For example:
        #-# xwiki.home=http://www.xwiki.org/
        #-# xwiki.home=http://wiki.mycompany.net:8080/
        # xwiki.home=


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Fra: users-boun...@xwiki.org [mailto:users-boun...@xwiki.org] På vegne af 
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Sendt: 21. september 2009 09:57
Til: XWiki Users
Emne: [xwiki-users] Links in mail notification messages.

Hello. I've set up Tomcat, MySQL and Xwiki on one of my servers called 
White (white.mydomain.ru). Xwiki is reachable at


Then I've set up Apache on my main server (mail.mydomain.ru) as proxy. 
Now my Xwiki instance is reachable at


and this link is main for end users. Everything is ok, but notification 
messages contain links to white.mydomain.ru:8080/wiki, which is not 
accessbile from internet (only from local network). How can I change it? 
How to force Xwiki, to write links to mail.mydomain.ru/wiki, instead of 

Thanks in advance.

Dmitriy Nikolaev
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