Hi XWiki Users!

First a big thanks to Jerome and Vincent who encouraged me to keep on 
trying with xwiki!

I downloaded the 2.0rc2 and tested some more stuff.

1. A small bug in the blog area
I added a blog on my own and got a page containing 
That form seems to be missing.

2. We currently use TWiki and would need to migrate to TWIki.

I found TWiki-Syntax-Support mentioned but could not find doc about how 
to activate it.
I would like to convert pages from TWiki-Syntax to XWiki 2.0-Syntax.
Would that be possible to do wirh XWiki?
Perhaps by going TWiki Syntax -> HTML -> XWiki 2.0 Syntax?

(We have about 5000 TWIki-Pages and no classes of idle students around ...)

3. I'm missing "monospace" in WYSIWYG-Editor? Anywhere hidden?

4. Forms

We use TWiki-Forms for structured Metadata.
I guess I could implement my own class in java to get something similiar 
in XWiki?
Does XWiki have something to add and edit structured meta data to pages 
without going through java?
Maybe using groovy?

Greetings and thanks in advance,

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