On Nov 11, 2009, at 12:10 AM, Radek Rekas wrote:

> I've made sure that the xwiki syntax is set to Xwiki 1.0 for the  
> page but when I type "[]" or "$xwiki." as per the screenshots in the  
> XWiki Page Editor section of the XEclipse user guide 
> (http://xeclipse.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/UserGuide 
> ) no autocompletion popup boxes appear.

Have you pressed ctrl+space too?


> I'm using XEclipse 1.2.0 RC1
> Radek
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net>
> Sent: Tue, 10/11/2009 6:30pm
> To: XWiki Users <users@xwiki.org>
> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] XEclipse syntax highlighting and code  
> completion
> Hi Radek,
> On Nov 10, 2009, at 7:23 AM, Radek Rekas wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I can't seem to get the syntax highlighting and code completion
>> working in XEclipse, is there anything that needs to be done to get
>> this working or should it work out of the box?
> It'll work OOB but only for the XWiki 1.0 syntax for now. We need
> someone to make it work for the 2.0 syntax.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
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