On 11/11/2009 01:27 PM, Jerome Velociter wrote:
> On 11/11/09 1:10 PM, Marius Dumitru Florea wrote:
>> Of course, it's more elegant if you mark all text areas to be replaced
>> with a CSS class like:
>> <textarea id="foo" class="richtextarea"></textarea>
>> <textarea id="bar" class="richtextarea"></textarea>
>> and then have:
>> Wysiwyg.onModuleLoad(function() {
>>      $$('.richtextarea').each(function(textArea) {
>>        new WysiwygEditor({hookId:textArea.id});
>>      });
>> });
> Maybe we could offer that by default in xwiki.js, WDYT ?
> Would be interesting in the case we would force the displayer of
> textarea object properties to add the CSS class when the XWiki class is
> configured to use the WYSIWYG.


> (note I'd rather make the selector $$('textarea.rich') FWIW)

+1 for this too.
Sergiu Dumitriu
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