Hi Chris,

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:41 PM, chrisjasp <chrisj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just wondering if anyone has had character input delay using IE7/8 in the
> WYSIWYG editor. I don't have that problem on the same computer using
> firefox
> or Chrome. I'm guessing its the JS engine but just wondering if there is a
> fix or workaround.

Yes, this is a known problem.

Marius, the WYSIWYG developer, has a fix ready locally. His fix is not
committed yet but it should be available in XWiki Enterprise 2.1.1 or 2.1.2
in the coming weeks.

Thanks for the report!


PS: for the record, here are the issues as described to me by Marius (it's
highly technical but if you're curious...):

There are two big problems:

(1) IE handles the selection/caret differently than FF. Accessing the
selection/caret in FF happens directly, without any transformations. For IE,
I have to transform the information they gave me about the selection/caret
to the format used by FF. This is needed in order to write the same
(high-level) code for both browsers. This transformations take time, not
much, but when you type a character each WYSIWYG plugin requests the
selection/caret information to update its state. So the same transformation
is done multiple times. What I did was simple: I added a cache and I
invalidate the cache whenever the selection/caret changes (thanks to IE
which has a special event for this that I can listen to).

(2) The second problem is that when you type a character, besides updating
their state (whic is specific), each plugin checks for a common set of
constraints (common for all plugins): is the rich text area enable, is the
selection valid, etc. This common set of constranins should be evaluated
just once for all the plugins.

> --
> View this message in context:
> http://n2.nabble.com/WYSIWYG-slow-in-IE-tp4147675p4147675.html
> Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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