I'm trying to setup a virtual sub-wiki following instructions from:

Since I'm using PostgreSQL I followed the "By hand" method.
One of the sub-wiki is called sub1, so I created a new database sub1
giving PostgreSQL user xwiki all privileges upon it.
I then created a new page XWiki.XWikiServerSub1, attached a
XWikiServerClass object to it specifying server=sub1.mydomain.com

Now the server part seems to be working, because if I point my browser
to sub1.mydomain.com:8080/... I see XWiki pages, while if I point it to
anythingelse.mydomain.com:8080/... I see the page pointed to by

Problem is the database for the sub-wiki is never used!!!
The main wiki "xwiki" database is used regardless of the name
of the XWiki.XWikiServerSub1 page!!!

What could be wrong???
The XWiki.XWikiServerSub1 has to be orphan
or _must_ it have some specific parent???

Thank you all in advance for your help!!!


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