Hi Anne,

There are 2 options:
1) import the document into the wiki. We have an office importer.
2) preview the document's content directly in the page

1) exists and works.
2) is in development and should be ready for XE 2.3 M1 (possibly earlier if we 
can but hard to commit to it). FYI 2.3M1 should be early March.

All that said the code is already available in svn. Thus if you're technical 
you can build it and install it in your wiki. It's in the sandbox right now:


PS: Please answer the FAQ entry you've created and the comment you've left too 
on xwiki.org, now that you know the answer! :)

On Jan 15, 2010, at 9:02 AM, Anne Hoffmann wrote:

> Hi, 
> can I somehow make the content of an attached document available on the
> page? 
> I would like to view this content directly on the page, not just link to it,
> e.g. a Office or PDF file. 
> Thanks!

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