On 01/21/2010 01:23 PM, Oskar Marek Rzepinski wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> now after a lot of testing I think I have to look for an another wiki. I
> have the right driver, I checked this. The configuration is also not the
> problem, all parameters are O.K. I think that we have a problem with the
> geronimo server that don't let us connect to the database.  It is really
> annoying that we won't get the xwiki running. The problem is, that for
> performance reasons we won't use any other database system or an another
> container than geronimo(tomcat). Thanks to all, who tried to help me.

I would suggest preparing a complete, configured war, then deploy it to 
the container.

This means:
- unzip the xwiki war
- copy the connector jar into the lib folder
- configure hibernate
- zip the whole folder into xwiki.war
- deploy this file

Some containers don't take into account changes done in a deployed war, 
and always use the files from inside it.

Sergiu Dumitriu
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