Hi Xavier. Perhaps you did not read or fully understand Guillaume's earlier 

I am still a newcomer to using and understanding XWiki internals. Thus far, I 
have learnt that the $msg.get() function returns the "localized" value of 
specific strings defined in ApplicationResources.properties (see this link)
Since you are defining your own space name it does not exist in the above 
mentioned file. So you need to hard code it to
* [Infos Utiles>Infos utiles.WebHome]

Hope that helps.


From: Xavier Bartholome <xbarthol...@gmail.com>
To: users@xwiki.org
Sent: Thu, January 21, 2010 7:11:50 AM
Subject: [xwiki-users] QuickLink Panel problem (coninued)


I thought the '+' would be an issue, but my problem is not solved yet I'm

I changed the code to

* [$msg.get("xe.panels.quicklinks.infos utiles")>Infos utiles.WebHome]

And while it does send me to the correct space, the text in the panel is
still xe.panels.quicklinks.infos
of Infos
Utiles ...

I would tend to believe that the $msg.get("xe.panels.quicklinks.infos
utiles") instruction does not find the information it needs, and just shows
itself instead ... which means that an information is missing somewhere in
the space paramaters ...

But I have no idea what or where it should be filled in ... !
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