By popup you mean lightbox?
(the whole screen gets dark with the page displayed in the middle)

The pencil icon next to each user in the table on the admin users section is 
javascript injected by
specifically around line 306.

Hope that helps


raphaelle wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm working on a XEM platform 2.2.1 and I need to display the page of the
> profile in a pop-up.
> I know it's possible because I have this pop-up at the adress:
> http://mydomain/xwiki/bin/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences?section=Users,
> there's a table with the list of all my users, and I can edit them by
> clickink on an icon, the edition is in a pop-up.
> Problem is I can't find out where's the URL of this pop-up, because the code
> of this page is based on the javascript:
>        var ta = new XWiki.widgets.LiveTable("$url", "userstable",
> displayUsers); 
> I've read the documentation on XWiki.widgets.LiveTanle at his adress: 
> but I haven't found what I was looking for: the part of code to display the
> popup.
> If anyone could give me some help...
> In advance thanks
> Raphaelle

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