The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager 2.2.2.

This is a bug fix release for the 2.2 branches.

It fixes mainly two important regressions around documents object
handling and office importer on Internet Explorer 7 so if you are
using 2.2 or 2.2.1 you should really upgrade to 2.2.2.


* XAADMINISTRATION-115 - Left align check boxes in "Registration >
Customize XWiki Registration"
* XAADMINISTRATION-63 - In "Administration" -> "Users" closing the
"Add new user" pop-up causes the page to refresh
* XAADMINISTRATION-67 - In "Administration > User > Add new user"
indicate which fields are mandatory
* XAADMINISTRATION-103 - Make registration page support lightbox so
administrator can use it to add users in admin users sheet.
* Updated translations

Important Bugs fixed:

* XWIKI-4955 - Page with empty content leads to "This template does
not exist" message when viewed in plain mode
* XWIKI-4967 - Impossible to import office (copy/paste) with style using IE7
* XWIKI-4965 - Objects can no longer be retrieved relative to their document
* XWIKI-4931 - Links are badly saved on IE7
* XWIKI-4977 - AJAX behavior broken in IE6 for documents with
non-ASCII characters in the name
* XWIKI-4974 - Adding tags with non-ASCII characters fails in Internet Explorer
* XWIKI-4968 - Deleting a comment appears in the history as being
deleted by the person who made the comment instead of the deleter
* XWIKI-4971 - Header generated ids are wrong in 1.0 syntax
* XWIKI-4966 - Missing translation keys for application configuration.
* XWIKI-4590 - View Statistics increment too fast because of AJAX
features in bottom page tags and ratings
* XWIKI-4925 - When XWiki is initialized via a XMLRPC request, it is
in a wrong state and redirect-to-login URLs will be wrong
* XWIKI-3915 - XWiki.copyWiki does not copy hidden documents
* XWIKI-4954 - XWikiDocument#clone should use set/getParent instead of
* XWIKI-4555 - XWikiHibernateStore#countDocuments does not always
return the same number as would be the size of #searchDocuments for
the same query
* XWIKI-4969 - Missing translation value for key
"import_listoferrorsfiles" in new Import UI
* XWIKI-4978 - Previewing a comment for a document with non-ASCII
characters in the name uses a wrong URL
* XAADMINISTRATION-68 - In "Administration > User > Add new user"
notify the user when the passwords he types in don't match
* XAADMINISTRATION-21 - User not created when registration information
isn't correct when creating new user in new Administration UI

For more information see the Releases notes at:

-The XWiki dev team
users mailing list

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