
thanks for your comments!

> select distinct charset(xwd_content) from xwikidoc;


| charset(xwd_content) |
| utf8                 |

Besides, I just can't setup the complete MySQL instance as UTF-8 since
there are other databases online which I don't want to fiddle with.

> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/mysql/mysql-connector-java/5.1.12/mysql-connector-java-5.1.12.jar

nope, haven't done that, but will do within the next few minutes and
keep you posted


>>    xwiki.store.migration=0
> Is this bothering you? could you try to leave it to the default and checkout 
> how
> it goes?

Will do that, you should see the result of your suggestions within 30
minutes on this list ;)

Cheers & thanks again

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