
Here is my problem: 

We've been hosting an instance of XWiki for almost a year now, and things
have been going swimmingly, until.... 

I recently came to do some updates on content, etc..... Previously,
everything worked well both from the localhost, and accessing through WWW. 

However now, no matter where I request the webapp from, it's always taking
an infinite amount of time waiting for the login page to load, rending EVERY
functionality of the Wiki useless, as no one can login, and nothing can be

I tried accessing using IE8, and FireFox, both with no success.  IE simply
says it's waiting for the page to load forever, FireFox tries for a few
seconds then returns an error as follows: 

"The page isn't redirecting properly. 
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this
address in a way that will never complete. 
    *   This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to

Now, I had some difficulty with cookies and XWiki before, so I tried playing
around with the cookie settings in both browsers to see if this had any
different result.  I tried setting BOTH browsers to accept ALL cookies, and
the same result is produced, IE waits forever, and FireFox quits and gives
me the above message. 

I'm not sure what is causing this, or why all of a sudden this is happening. 
Seems to me things were working as recently as last week.  I did do a Java
update earlier in the day, but I don't think this should have any bearing on

It's being served by Tomcat, which also houses another webapplication, which
can be successfully loaded from both browsers instantaneously.  So the
problem should not be with the server. 

Also, I haven't done a Microsoft Update in a while, but I don't think this
should have any relevance either. 


     - xwiki-enterprise-web-1.6.1 
     - apache-tomcat-6.0.16 
     - XP Pro x64 SP2 @ 2.0GHz, with 2Gb RAM 
     - IE8 & FireFox v3.5.2 

Please, community, any help would be greatly appreciated.  This is a
game-breaker for us here at my company, as no one wants to spend the time to
re-create the entire Wiki from scratch if this cannot be resolved.
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