On 03/26/2010 10:34 PM, Valdis Vītoliņš wrote:
> I'm looking at access logs and found that my site through all historical
> development has 3 blog RSS feeds:
> Main/BlogRss - not linked from anywhere but created in 2005

^ This one is deprecated, and doesn't exist anymore in the current XAR.

> Blog/GlobalBlogRss - linked from global site RSS feed (another is
> WebRSS)
> Blog/BlogRss - linked from Links panel.

^ Both are used in the current Blog application, along with 
Blog.CategoryRss, each one having different purposes:
- CategoryRss lists entries for a category, and is linked from the 
Categories panel/pages
- BlogRss lists entries for one blog, and is useful in case you have 
more than one blog in your wiki
- GlobalBlogRss lists all entries from the current wiki, aggregating 
individual blogs

In a normal setup you only have one blog, so there's no difference 
between GlobalBlogRss and BlogRss. If you want, you can edit the 
documents and leave only one of those referenced.

> Probably two of them could be removed (i.e. set redirect for some time,
> and remove later),
> but which one conforms to standard?
> Valdis

Sergiu Dumitriu
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