My config - Oracle 10.2.4, XWiki - 2.2.4. Tested on Jetty and Glassfish. NEW
Xwiki instance imported from xar-file. User is Admin (default user in a new
instance). I cannot see any attachments in a AllAttachments live table.
What's the problem?

I know that pages XWiki.AllAttachments & XWiki.AllAttachmentsResults should
save user with programming rights. Before checking AllAttachments live
table, I gave for Admin (and for XWikiAdminGroup and for user Admin)
programming rights and resaved these 2 pages - but no result. Also I tried
to re-import these 2 pages - same situation - AllAttachments live table
doesn't show anything.

As I understand, maybe problem have relation with Oracle, because I tested
on another DB (MySQL) and all is ok. XWiki schema in Oracle have full
rights, no any special options in Oracle ...

This is not a special issue with XWiki - 2.2.4, same situation (on Oracle)
exists in a previous XWiki versions too.

Maybe have some more recomendations for me.
Thanks beforehand!
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