Hi Andreas,

On 15 April 2010 13:33, Andreas Hahn <ah...@gmx.net> wrote:

> maybe you are interested in my recent posting on short urls. I'v been
> struggling with the same issues and would like to see some more
> information on the wiki pages. That's what I ended up with:
>  http://n2.nabble.com/Short-Urls-configuration-tt4869739.html#a4869739
> The last 'VirtualHost' configuration is working for me - no problems so
> far.
Thanks for the response. When I read your configs, I realised that I omitted
the ProxyPassReverse line (I only took the settings from my working
mod_rewrite.conf and forgot to check my mod_proxy.conf as well). I also
experimented with some of the xwiki.cfg options, particularly with those
mentioned at
without much joy.



Gerhard Esterhuizen
Yila Consulting (Pty) Ltd
PO Box 50461, Waterfront 8002, South Africa
Phone: +27 82 370 9737
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