Ben Stuggler wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to configuring Open Office server. I'm not sure of the parameters so I
> made some changes to test, but I have a very strange "bug". 
> I explain : I changed the data once in, but since, even if
> I put some new parameters in, when I'm connecting in Xwiki
> on the OfficeImporterAdmin page, the data seems to be the same of the first
> time...
> For exemple, I tested by writing this :

> # openoffice.homePath=E:\Program Files (x86)\ 3\
> # openoffice.profilePath=E:\Users\bet\AppData\Roaming\\3

Did you uncomment these two lines (i.e. remove the #)?

Hope this helps,

> And I still see this :
> Server path
> C:Program 3
> Server profile
> D:UsersbetAppDataRoamingOpenOffice.org3
> and I can see the same problem in the log (it's not a refreshing display
> problem)
> (furthermore, sometimes I have the message "Error while connecting /
> starting openoffice." and sometimes "Inadequate privileges."....)
> Thanks
> Regards
> Ben
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