On 5/10/2010 12:51 PM, Ben Stuggler wrote:
> Florin Ciubotaru wrote:
>> On 5/10/2010 12:34 PM, Ben Stuggler wrote:
>>> Just to share a bug (I think it is) linked to OpenOffice server...
>>> If I go on the administration page and select "OpenOffice Server" to
>>> start
>>> the server, I obtain "Inadequate privileges."
>>> But if I go to the same page by "Document Index", I can start the server
>>> without error message.
>>> I think it's maybe some rights problem but I can't figure what it is.
>> Yes, this is known. The issue is caused by the programming rights
>> requirement. This will require only admin rights in the future.
>> Thanks,
>> Florin Ciubotaru
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> Ok, I have added however the PR for the target user, but it does'nt change
> anything.
Programming rights are actually checked for the current page. Basically 
a page has programming rights when when it was last saved by a user 
having PR, certifying the page to run its scripts. This is a bit 
confusing for the users.
In the case of office importer you will need to re-save the script pages 
and probably the admin page too, but it is know to be inconsistent and 
you will need to redo the operation if you have the "Inadequate rights" 
message again. PR are causing some inconveniences which is why we are 
going to reduce the number of pages that require them.
> thanks anyway
> Ben

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