Hi Guillaume, Thanks for your valuable reply.
I have somewhat achieved to get the subspaces and pages like a tree structure. This is the code snippet. I just changed the query in the child parent code snippet for my requirement. {{velocity}} #macro (createDocumentTree $document $depth $level) #if ($depth > 0) #set($translated = $document.getTranslatedDocument()) #set($name = $translated.getName()) #set($fullname = $translated.getFullName()) #set($prefixed = $translated.getPrefixedFullName()) #set($where = "where doc.parent = '$name' or doc.parent = '$fullname' or doc.parent = '$prefixed' order by doc.name") #if ($name == "WebHome") #set($space = $document.getSpace()) ## changes made here for our requirement #set($where1 = "where doc.parent = '$fullname' and doc.name='WebHome'") #end #foreach($name in $xwiki.searchDocuments($where)) #if ($xwiki.getDocument($name)) #set($document = $xwiki.getDocument($name)) #set($translated = $document.getTranslatedDocument()) #set($prefixed = $translated.getPrefixedFullName()) #set($title = $translated.getDisplayTitle()) #set($indent = "") #foreach($n in [1..$level]) #set($indent = "${indent}*") #end $indent [[$title>>$prefixed]] #set($depth = $depth - 1) #set($level = $level + 1) #createDocumentTree($document $depth $level) #set($depth = $depth + 1) #set($level = $level - 1) #end #end #end #end #createDocumentTree($doc 5 1) {{/velocity}} But here i am facing the problem. I am creating a space and putting this velocity code in that space and its displaying the whole tree structure related to it. But i want this code in panel and the tree structure should come for all spaces dynamically like Tree view Navigation. I put this code in panel but it displaying the tree related to panel. My requirement is to show all spaces and its related subspace, pages as tree in panel. How can i get spaces and also specify the proper document object? Is there any way to get successful in this. Kindly guide me. Thanks in Advance. Regards, Nithya. -- View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/How-to-list-the-subspace-under-the-space-tp5095367p5104916.html Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com. _______________________________________________ users mailing list users@xwiki.org http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/users