On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 12:16, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
> On Jun 11, 2010, at 12:00 PM, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 11:39, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
>>> On Jun 11, 2010, at 11:25 AM, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 11:10, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
>>>>> On Jun 10, 2010, at 9:21 AM, Denis Gervalle wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 11:55, Sorin Burjan <sorin.bur...@xwiki.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello.
>>>>>>> Silvia and me have created a DRAFT for XWiki.org Documentation Standard
>>>>>>> found at :
>>>>>>> http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/XWikiOrgDocumentationStandard
>>>>>> Even if I found your procedures smart and very conscientious, I am a 
>>>>>> little
>>>>>> bit afraid by them, and just wonder if these will not finally slow down 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> documentation, since only very minor change can be done quickly. As 
>>>>>> everyone
>>>>>> knows, documentation is never what we d'like to do, and if you increase 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> burden, it will probably not encourage improvements.
>>>>> I haven't read the proposal yet, just answering to this part.
>>>>> Yes but we want a good quality for the documentation same as we want a 
>>>>> good quality for the code. What we did for the code is prevent anyone 
>>>>> modifying it by adding a notion of committer and people can still 
>>>>> contribute patches which are then reviewed by committers. Committers 
>>>>> agree with the rules for ensuring quality.
>>>>> The best solution IMO for having quality docs is to:
>>>>> -  close xwiki.org so that it's editable only to committers and people 
>>>>> voted as wiki editors (we need a process to get casual readers into wiki 
>>>>> editors)
>>>>> - leave annotations/comments for people wanting to contribute small stuff
>>>> What would be great would be some kind of patch annotation a xwiki.org
>>>> editor would just need to apply it by clicking on a button.
>>>>> - allow anyone to access the Draft space
>>>>> - make it very visible and easy how to contribute to xwiki.org (ie being 
>>>>> selected to be in the wiki editors group)
>>>> We could also have the notion of "validated version", anyone can
>>>> modify the document but a xwiki.org editor can validate a version. By
>>>> default you view the last validated version but you can also see the
>>>> last version if some modification has been made.
>>> Sure but you're already talking about the next step which requires tooling 
>>> and is more complex to set up. I'd prefer to see step 1 done quickly and 
>>> then someone could work to do step2 as you mention. I've had this idea 
>>> about "validate version" since 2006 but it's still not there since someone 
>>> needs the time to implement it ;)
>> Step1 seems very anti wiki to me. Having to close that much our public
>> wiki is not making it a good wiki example where we are saying to all
>> clients that "wiki is great it makes everyone participate"...
> Our code is also very anti wiki and it's code for a wiki... :)
> Also a wiki doesn't mean it's open to everyone. It means it easy to 
> collaborate together *for people who have access to the wiki* of course ;)
> Now I agree with you it would be better to find a better solution such as the 
> one you proposed but between not doing anything and not improving our 
> documentation and improving our documentation practices I prefer to choose 
> the "improving our documentation practices" by far.

I don't see why it's everything or nothing. Having an open wiki does
not makes it impossible to improve.

> Also if you count how many people contribute to the wiki you'll see some 
> interesting statistics....
> I'm also ok to have the new doc rules *and* have people act as wiki 
> gardeners. One problem is that we have no way to reach how to someone to 
> educate him on how he should add documentation on the wiki except by fixing 
> his mistakes and hoping he'll see someone has changed it.
> I'm open to all solutions except for the ones that say: we don't want to 
> improve the quality of the documentation. IMO quality goes through 
> consistency and consistency is achieved with design and barring that with 
> rules.
> Now I(we) need to review the doc proposed by Silvia and Sorin and see see if 
> for each rule there's an automated way of enforcing it by design (like a 
> form, etc) or not. But I know not all rules are enforceable by design easily 
> so we'll need rules anyway.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
>>>>> I don't see other solutions. If we leave it open then it'll 
>>>>> committers/wiki editors who will have to fix what people contribute which 
>>>>> is a pain after a few times.
>>>>> WDYT?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> -Vincent
>>>>>> My idea is that there
>>>>>> should be an additional intermediate editing situation, where you 
>>>>>> improve or
>>>>>> add a section in the current documentation directly without going to a 
>>>>>> draft
>>>>>> and review cycle (almost like when you fix a issue without vote when you
>>>>>> know what to do). You could also add precision when you read the
>>>>>> documentation and have failed to catch it, to avoid the next one to also
>>>>>> have the same trouble.
>>>>>> I have the impression that we loose the wiki nature of the collaboration 
>>>>>> by
>>>>>> using these procedures....
>>>>>> ... and this could be a larger reflexion on the feature of XWiki since 
>>>>>> such
>>>>>> situation is not uncommon. I have already some idea about that, but I had
>>>>>> never have time enough to write them in details. Briefly, IMO we should
>>>>>> offer a feature that allows a document to have its current version not 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> latest one, until the author of the latest version confirm his desire to
>>>>>> publish their changes. As you said, we never want to see unbacked bread, 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> this is why, in some situation, direct publication is not appropriate. I
>>>>>> will not say more here since this is clearly another thread....
>>>>>>> In order to move towards the final version, we need your input on 2 
>>>>>>> issues.
>>>>>>> - For which project version we create & maintain documentation
>>>>>>> - Which skins we are going to support in the documentation (latest/all)
>>>>>>> Although, these issues were discussed in December 2009, no final result
>>>>>>> came out of them.
>>>>>>> http://markmail.org/message/ou7hgdiiwgayghku#query:+page:1+mid:ou7hgdiiwgayghku+state:results
>>>>>>> 1. the project version (XE version for ex) for which the documentation
>>>>>>> is created/updated/maintained.
>>>>>>>   We have several choices:
>>>>>>>    a) We make the documentation only for the latest version.
>>>>>>>    b) We make the documentation only for the latest version, and we
>>>>>>> export the pages at release time and make it available as a zipped HTML
>>>>>>> export so that people using the         older version can refer to them.
>>>>>>>    c) We make the doc work the last 2 releases. That would be 2.3 and
>>>>>>> 2.4.
>>>>>>>    Note: If option b) is chosen then we need to add a step to the
>>>>>>> release process. (export for every release)
>>>>>> For me b) is not an option, documentation is not written / updated on
>>>>>> release day, but before it, when the features are released in the Mx and 
>>>>>> RCx
>>>>>> versions. Since we start Mx of next release before release of previous 
>>>>>> one,
>>>>>> we cannot managed such versioning easily.
>>>>>> For now, to stay reasonable, I think we should do as we do in source 
>>>>>> code,
>>>>>> and mention the version were a feature is introduced or changed when
>>>>>> confusion should be avoided.
>>>>>>> 2. The skin used for documenting steps. This also includes the 
>>>>>>> screenshots.
>>>>>>>   Again we have several choices:
>>>>>>>    a) Document only for the latest default skin.
>>>>>>>    b) Document for all supported skins. Right now that would be Toucan
>>>>>>> + Colibri (not sure about Albatross, I don't think we've officially said
>>>>>>> it wasn't supported).
>>>>>>>    Note: If option b) is chosen, this would mean 2 screenshots for the
>>>>>>> same feature (one for each skin)
>>>>>> I doubt we could do b), reaching a correct a) is already an issue when 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> default skin is upgraded.
>>>>>> Denis
>>>>>>> The vote content was mostly taken from the markmail link above.
>>>>>>> If you have any other suggestions regarding this draft, please reply and
>>>>>>> state your opinion. We need as much feedback as possible in order to
>>>>>>> create a solid documentation standard.
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