Hi Asiri, Sergiu,
Thanks for looking into this. I think I've figured it out thanks to your 

Here's a WebDAV transcript when I connected directly to Tomcat on port 8080, 
e.g. http://www.myhost.tld:8080/webdav/
(note that I have changed the domain in the transcript, as it's a private wiki)

> Transmit 4.0.5 (x86_64) Session Transcript [Version 10.6.4 (Build 10F569)] 
> (02/07/2010 13:58)
> Connecting to www.myhost.tld
> OPTIONS /webdav/ HTTP/1.1
> PROPFIND /webdav/ HTTP/1.1
> 200 OK
> In directory /webdav
> PROPFIND /webdav/ HTTP/1.1
> 207 Multi-Status
> tomcat.gif             1934      2009-07-27 22:24:34 +0100
> tomcat-power.gif       2324      2009-07-27 22:24:34 +0100
> index.html             2979      2009-07-27 22:24:34 +0100

Nothing appeared in catalina.out.

When I connected to http://www.myhost.tld:8080/xwiki/webdav/ , this happens:

> Transmit 4.0.5 (x86_64) Session Transcript [Version 10.6.4 (Build 10F569)] 
> (02/07/2010 14:01)
> Connecting to www.myhost.tld
> OPTIONS /xwiki/webdav/ HTTP/1.1
> PROPFIND /xwiki/webdav/ HTTP/1.1
> 200 OK

Again, nothing appeared in catalina.out. But I couldn't see any files and my 
WebDAV client gives an error:
> Make sure your user name and password were entered correctly and that the 
> server supports WebDAV.

I didn't expect /xwiki/webdav/ to work, since the /xwiki/ part of the URL 
doesn't exist in my servlet container.

The fix: I have removed the default Tomcat WebDAV web app, by deleting the 
folder /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/webdav .

Now, requests to /webdav go straight to XWiki, as Xwiki's web.xml suggests.

Thanks all!

Just one other quick question: where does Xwiki store logging information for 
its LDAP connections? I'm trying to debug Active Directory integration, and 
there's nothing in catalina.out.


Graeme West
Digital Repository Developer
Information Services
Glasgow Caledonian University

On 2 Jul 2010, at 13:41, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:

> On 07/02/2010 02:09 PM, Asiri Rathnayake wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Normally XWiki / Tomcat works without much trouble when it comes to WebDAV.
>> Now I'm not sure if apache is doing anything before forwarding those
>> requests to tomcat.
>> Can we see your tomcat log files when the "Not Implemented" error occurs? Or
>> do you see any log entries in xwiki.log file that has anything to do with
>> webdav?
> I suspect that the root helper servlet present on the default Jetty
> distribution, the one answering the OPTIONS request, is not deployed.
> Asiri, could you confirm that?
> We should probably integrate it's functionality in the redirect servlet.
>> - Asiri
>> On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 2:52 PM, West, Graeme<graeme.w...@gcu.ac.uk>  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have just upgraded to XWiki Enterprise and have a question
>>> regarding configuring WebDAV.
>>> My XWiki is installed in Tomcat 5.5 as the 'ROOT' web app. Tomcat runs on
>>> port 8080 and I have an AJP connector with Apache proxying requests via SSL
>>> port 443, meaning that my wiki can be accessed at:
>>> https://www.myhost.tld/bin/view/Main  (etc.)
>>> My question is regarding WebDAV login. I understand that the normal login
>>> URL for this would be:
>>> http://www.myhost.tld:8080/xwiki/webdav
>>> However, since I have deployed XWiki as the ROOT webapp, it seems that I am
>>> getting redirected to Tomcat's built-in WebDAV app when accessing this URL.
>>> When I access:
>>> http://www.myhost.tld:8080/webdav
>>> or
>>> https://www.myhost.tld/xwiki/webdav
>>> I get the same list of three files - a generic HTML page listing
>>> information about Tomcat's WebDAV support, and a couple of GIF files with
>>> the Tomcat logo.
>>> When I access:
>>> http://www.myhost.tld:8080/xwiki/webdav
>>> or
>>> https://www.myhost.tld/xwiki/webdav
>>> I get a 'Not Implemented' error.
>>> Could someone advise on how to configure XWiki/Tomcat to pass me to XWiki's
>>> WebDAV implementation, rather than to Tomcat's default one? My xwiki.cfg has
>>> WebDAV enabled (as far as I know - it is pretty much set to defaults in all
>>> respects).
>>> On another note: thank you for all your sterling work with XWiki. It's a
>>> tremendously flexible and useful application, and it has been a breeze to
>>> administer.
>>> Regards,
> --
> Sergiu Dumitriu
> http://purl.org/net/sergiu/
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