

I've Just installed Calendar Plugin and Calendar Application on my XE 2.4 
instance. It works when I point to xwiki/bin/view/Main/EventCalendar/, but its 
look and feel is far away of that smooth one shown in the Calendar Application 
home page 


The calendar appears as a very simple and rough table, its cells don't have a 
prefixed size (nothing more than just the length of the two digits number of 
the day) and it does not show the PDF creation link. It also doesn't mark the 
"today" day on the calendar. I've checked the source code and it seems that the 
$cview.getHTMLCalendar($cparams, "") method isn't building a smooth calendar. 
How can I fix this?


Doesn't XE 2.4 contain an event calendar by default? If so, how can I access it?


I'm using the colibri skin. 




Ramon Gomes Brandão


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