
You can find the ratings in the xwiki contrib repository:

To build the plugin jar use mvn clean install in the trunk folder.  The 
next step is to copy the jar to the lib folder of your wiki.
Build the application xar with mvn clean install and import the xar into 
your wiki.
This code should help you get started:

{{include document="XWiki.RatingsMacros"/}}

==Full Ratings==


==Small Ratings==



I have tested with XWiki Enterprise 2.4 and I think the Javascript code 
needs to be updated because of the changes made on the top menu in the 
latest versions of XWiki.

Hope this helps,

Zuzana Zapletalova wrote:
> Hello,
> does anybody use Ratings Application? It is still a sandbox application but I 
> think it works. Can you give me a help how to implement this application to 
> xWiki? 
> Thanks, Zuzana.
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