Thanks, Raluca,

Raluca Stavro wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 9:29 AM, Raluca Stavro <> 
> wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 12:38 PM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] eBioTIC.
>> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You can use translations (See
>> For class properties, the translation format is like this:
>> ClassSpaceBane.ClassDocName_propertyName=A_Translation_Text
> ClassSpaceName.ClassDocName_propertyName=A_Translation_Text
I'm in fact using this method in a rather simple application we have 
created, but whereas it is rather simple to edit and fill-in properties 
in a given instantiate class, it is not so "straight" to use the method 
we talk about here to the same. For instance, consider this (awful, but 
it could be useful to illustrate the discussion) model...

I've implemented it by using Documents to instantiate User and Species 
classes. Species classes has two properties that hold translations of 
its name. If I manage to get a new translation, I do need to add a new 
property to this class. Or to instruct translators to edit the 
translations document and fill in the property the name of the variable 
in the format you have told before. I do prefer not to have people to 
tweak with this kind of "raw" XWiki documents.

Could it be possible to create a new class for each name to be 
translated and instatiate it such many times as different languages a 
given name is translated to? This class will have two properties: 
Language Code and Translation. WDYT?

I think all I have to do is to understand how 
works! But I think this is a bit far from my capabilities rigth now! As 
stated in some other message, any entry-level help will be welcome!


Ricardo Rodríguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems

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