
Lockie wrote:
> You probably already know this so I don't know if it helps, but putting
> #xwikidata {
> display: none;
> }
> in an attached stylesheet is a way of hiding that stuff, or you could just
> put it into colibri.css directly. I guess on a per page basis though that
> might be annoying to manage. I hide it on my Main page that way.
Thanks. It really an easy way of hiding/showing stuff! I'm able to 
modify colibri.css and control the visibility, but how do you do that on 
a per page basis? So, in what simple way do you control #xwikidata 
visibility just in your home page by using an attached CSS stylesheet?

The problem here though is that I'm not able to understand how I can 
recover the visibility of those elements in a migrated wiki for the 
reasons explained in the opening message of this thread. Any idea will 
be welcome!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems

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