[Ricardo Rodriguez] eBioTIC. wrote:
> Hi!
> Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
>> On 11/01/2010 12:50 PM, Gregory GUENEAU wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I am +1 to make stabilization work, on a couple of releases
>>> I am +1 to have soon a 3.0 release
>>> And i am +1 on the content vincent propose
>>> But my point of view is -1 stepping the release family number because the 
>>> main purpose of what is discussed here is stabilization, and not showing 
>>> the path of 3.x family.
>>> Therefore :
>>> - do we consider a january 2011 release to be stable enough ?
>>> - stabilization work wouldn'it be leading then to the last 2.x version 
>>> instead of the first 3.x family version ?
>>> - is there behind it a consensus on what we will concentrate our effort in 
>>> 3.x versions ? I mean thematics we can talk about.
>>> - therefore, are we in a situation where we can vote on the global 
>>> thematics we will develop in 3.x releases ?
>>> - do we have a clear consensus short list of features that show the path of 
>>> 3.x family ?
>>> - in consequence of that, is the release content here send a clear message 
>>> to uneducated publics about what is in this future 3.x versions ?
>>> - do educated people care this much about release number, that we 
>>> absolutely have to release a 3.0 with the content presented below ?
>>  From the committers' point of view, it makes perfect sense for 3.0 to 
>> be the culmination of the 2.x releases, but I'm not sure the users 
>> understand this as well, so I'm extending the question to the users list.
>> Traditionally, proprietary software is developed behind the curtains, 
>> and it's normal to have one big release every two years, with lots of 
>> new features and some bugs which get fixed in subsequent bugfix 
>> releases. Marketing comes mostly from the proprietary software world, so 
>> from a marketing point of view, this is the "normal" way releases work.
>> In the open source world, since the development is done in the open, it 
>> doesn't make sense to stash code away in a repository and only release 
>> it once every two years. Still, most big projects use a release 
>> versioning scheme similar to the proprietary products, but with a slight 
>> difference which deeply changes the meaning. While proprietary products 
>> use only a number (3, 8, 2010...), with eventual bugfixes versions (SP2, 
>> 5.5), open source usually has 3 numbers in its versions, with the 
>> following meanings:
>> The first number changes rarely, and when it does, it signals a critical 
>> change, like a complete rewrite of the codebase, a change of paradigm, 
>> or major new features. The second number is the one that actually 
>> identifies a release. The third number is the bugfix version. So, when 
>> we say that PHP 5.3.2 was released, we actually say that version 3 of 
>> PHP5, which is a different thing than PHP4, has been released again, 
>> giving the second bugfix release. KDE 4.5.1 means version 5 of KDE4 saw 
>> its first bugfix release.
>> Another tendency is for open source software to linger towards a major 
>> release. For example, lots of software have a lot of releases before 
>> 1.0, going nearer and nearer: 0.6, 0.9, 0.9.9... And everybody knows 
>> that 0.x comes before 1.0, and it's not just a bugfix version of an 
>> imaginary 0.0 release.
>> A different topic is that of agile development, with very short releases 
>> (2-3 weeks) for which traditional version number make no sense, since 
>> such a product would reach version 42 in a couple of years. Either an 
>> identifier, such as the SCM version number is used, or a continuous 
>> counter (v1.42) is used. Since the software evolves in a fluid manner, 
>> without a "breakthrough" version coming out of the regular releases, a 
>> "major" version is released when the current features are stable and 
>> they mix well together in a coherent product. Since releases come so 
>> frequently, it's normal for users to be split into two categories: those 
>> that follow the releases and know how the software is evolving, and 
>> those that only monitor the major releases, and which see all the 
>> continuous improvements at once.
>> While XWiki Enterprise is used in the enterprise environment, and it is 
>> backed by commercial companies, it is a true open source project, 
>> following an open source release model, so I don't think that a 
>> proprietary product release scheme is suited.
>> Our development/release style is closer to the agile development 
>> practice, albeit with mixed release types. In the future, once the core 
>> is more stable than it is now, we'd like to move even closer to a full 
>> agile release process, with 2-3 weeks between final releases. Thus, I 
>> believe that the last release versioning strategy is the best for XWiki 
>> Enterprise.
>> Note that we're already using this strategy in a more obvious way for 
>> smaller modules (applications, skins, tools), where we do have 1.32 as a 
>> stable version number.
>> Also note that although 1.9 was followed by 2.0, this was just a 
>> coincidence, and not a natural version evolution, since we also felt 
>> that the code was mature enough to receive a major number bump, but it 
>> could just as well have been followed by a 1.10.
>> So, there are two different opinions here. One that 3.0 should present 
>> the groundwork/roadmap for the following 3.x releases, and one that 3.0 
>> should be the culmination of the work done so far on the 2.x releases.
>> The committers (with the exception of Ludovic) believe that the latter 
>> is the better one, and it is in accordance with what we've been doing so 
>> far. What do our users think?
>> As a final remark, the XWiki Open Source projects are governed by the 
>> committers, so in the end the decision lies in the hands of the 
>> developers, but we're always open to the larger community. If no 
>> consensus is reached about when to release 3.0, we will continue 
>> releasing 2.x versions.
>> What do XWiki users think? Is 3.0 as a culmination of the 2.x releases, 
>> with no major new features besides what 2.5 already provides, something 
>> the community expects?
> I don't know if I must consider myself in Gregory's educated or 
> uneducated groups, but I really feel myself us included in Sergiu's 
> users category that try to follow software development. I've two main 
> reasons to do that:
> 1. I try to find solutions for I want to do with our team mates as far 
> as possible
> 2. I would eventually like to somehow contribute to XWiki development.
> Being in that situation, it doesn't matter to me if what is coming next 
> is a 2.x release, or a 3.0 one. What I would like to have is a clear 
> idea about what must be able to get working in a given major release. 
> And, if it does not work, to understand why.
> Let me put three examples:
> 1. PDF styling (recently fixed by Sergiu; I guess this relates with the 
> new rendering architecture)
> 2. Lucene indexing
> 3. Database List and Database Tree property types
> All three features have been included time ago enough as considering 
> them stable. Am I wrong? I am still not able to know if I must be able 
> to get these three features working, let's say, in a XE 2.5 
> installation. Or what kind of software I must use, I mean, database and 
> application/servlet server I must use to guarantee "my" users that they 
> will be able to index their contents and use the very nice Lucene 
> features to find contents in attachments. Or search contents in document 
> title. Or whatever you know Lucene is able to do. Similar comments could 
> be done concerning points 1) and 3)
> Thus, I guess this "stabilization work" you speak about must deal with 
> this issues. Mustn't it? We want "clean" code and a clear idea about 
> what we can do, and what we can't. If this work leads to a 2.x release, 
> or to a 3.0 is not an important decision from my point of view. But, I 
> must insist, I'm a contaminated user! I try to follow all discussions 
> and get an idea, as clear as my skills allow me, about how XWiki evolves.
> If I think in my own experience using commercial or open source 
> software, as Ludovic said, I would never expect a x.0 release to be 
> particularly stable. I can see it as a final point for the evolution of 
> a x series, but something that has not been tested enough in field work 
> as to expect it will be bug free. In this sense, I think that it will be 
> clearer for me to get a 2.y Gold, GA, or RTM. with a far clear document 
> saying me what I could expect and in what conditions. I know releases 
> notes do that job. Well, something as Gold Release Notes will be welcome!
> One final remark: more than understanding the general release schema, 
> what is really stopping some users to update more frequently is the 
> update process by itself. I'm not saying it is difficult in itself, but 
> is a bit dangerous. As Vincent recently propose in the devs list for the 
> release process, I do think that a similar work must be done with the 
> upgrade (and to add an entry here 
> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/) 

I should add this link here...



> and backup 
> processes (I know this 
> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Backup).
> Thanks for your work and for sharing this discussion with the community!
>>> We have to make 100% sure our message will be understood by market. We are 
>>> now in the Gartner magic quadrant and will increase our visibility outside 
>>> the opensource community. In a world where new release number families 
>>> means : "we show the path of the future of this software, even if the 
>>> features we present are not perfect", i will strongly promote to answer in 
>>> details the questions i mentionned before deciding 2.8 to be in fact 3.0.
>> XWiki SAS is in the Gartner report, as a vendor. The XWiki Enterprise 
>> project is not in that report. I think the marketing direction that 
>> Gregory and Ludovic are supporting is better suited for the company 
>> offerings.
>>> Then here is the two elements that are probably the biggest things in the 
>>> roadmap for 3.x versions :
>>> - going social (workspaces in xem, twitter like app, page stats for the 
>>> user, etc.)
>>> - going to be an easy place to develop in (extension manager of course, but 
>>> also documentation for dummies and a first app like "app within minute" 
>>> proposed by guillaume and strongly needed by our front team)
>>> Is there a consensus on this list ? Then what should be the "demo" features 
>>> we could present to be consistent for a 3.0 release ?
>> Yes, these should be central in the future 3.x releases, but not in 3.0, 
>> which should be as stable as possible, without any "demo" features.
>>> Best
>>> On 1 nov. 2010, at 09:23, Vincent Massol<vinc...@massol.net>  wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> Sergiu started mentioning the idea of a XE 3.0 when we defined the XE 2.6 
>>>> roadmap. We need a more general agreement that we want a XE 3.0 and how to 
>>>> reach it.
>>>> As Sergiu I believe we need a XE 3.0 ASAP for the following reasons:
>>>> - it's been a bit more than 1 year since the XE 2.0 release and I feel 
>>>> it's good to have one major release every year
>>>> - we've added **lots** of features since XE 2.0. Check 
>>>> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ReleaseNotes to get a feeling
>>>> - it's good for open source marketing
>>>> Before being able to release XE 3.0 I think:
>>>> - XE 2.6 is already planned for the 18th of November (with "mail this 
>>>> page" and "recent activity" features + icon/emoticon and wikiword support 
>>>> that was sneaked in surreptitiously)
>>>> - We should have a XE 2.7 release (1 month duration, ie leading us to the 
>>>> 18th of December) to finish started stuff:
>>>> -- Finish the Gadget integration since it's been started already and it's 
>>>> important. That said I'd actually be ok to not finish it if we think it's 
>>>> too much to release XE 3.0 quickly according to the dates below. Anca to 
>>>> tell us if it's possible in the timeframe.
>>>> -- First working extension manager that can be used to install XARs 
>>>> (replaces the old Packager on the back end side). Thomas to tell us if 
>>>> it's possible in the timeframe.
>>>> -- Recent Activity with apps sending events (XE 2.6 will already have a 
>>>> good part of it)
>>>> -- UI finishing touches
>>>> -- Some additional Security and Performance improvements if possible
>>>> -- etc (add what you'd like to see absolutely here - it should be work 
>>>> already started as much as possible and no new stuff)
>>>> - Release XE 3.0 one month after the XE 2.7 release, ie around 18th of 
>>>> January - ie end of January 2011)
>>>> Very important: XE 3.0 should be a maturation/conclusion release, i.e. 
>>>> concluding all the work started in the 2.x series (same as what we did for 
>>>> XE 2.0). It shouldn't be seen as revolutionary stuff that we should add 
>>>> from now on since it'll take a year more before those can be fully 
>>>> stabilized and we would loose the window of opportunity of doing a major 
>>>> release now.
>>>> Note: We shouldn't try to cram too much things in since that'll extend the 
>>>> lead time to release XE 3.0 and we'll loose the stabilization effect.
>>>> WDYT?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Vincent

Ricardo Rodríguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems

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