Hi! Thanks both!

Caleb James DeLisle wrote:
> On 11/05/2010 06:53 PM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] eBioTIC. wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Chris Wagner wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Sorry for the delay in reply.
>>> Sergiu, that was the case. Thank you very much. :)
>>> Ricardo, the query is to include a list of all child documents in order. I
>>> included the curly braces in the query simply because I find it easier to
>>> read.
>> Thanks, Chris. Far clear the reason to use curly braces, but I am not 
>> able to understand the query. If I understand well, it lists all 
>> documents with a given patent. Thus...
> The given parent is the parent of the "current document" (the document 
> including the script.)
> If the script is called from Main.ChildDoc and ChildDoc has a parent called 
> ParentDoc then
> Velocity sees ${doc.parent} and replaces with Main.ParentDoc before the query 
> ever reaches the database.
> The doc.id was a mistake and the line should read
> #set($results=$xwiki.searchDocuments("where doc.hidden = false and 
> doc.fullName='${doc.parent}'
> order by doc.title asc"))ç
The other way round :-) doc.parent='${doc.fullName}'

I understand the simple logic of the query and got it working. Here a 
simple snippet using 2.0 syntax for simpler reference:

**These are the children of the current page**
#set($results=$xwiki.searchDocuments("where doc.hidden = false and 
doc.parent=? order by doc.title asc", [$doc.fullName]))
#foreach($item in $results)
#set ($itemdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item))
> But we should all get in the habit of avoiding the dynamic building of 
> queries because it can be a
> security issue. Think if doc.parent = "'; drop table xwikidoc;" Hibernate 
> won't allow that but there
> are sometimes ways to fool even Hibernate.
> Best practice for query security is to use:
> #set($results=$xwiki.searchDocuments("where doc.hidden = false and 
> doc.fullName=? order by doc.title
> asc", [$doc.parent]))
> Caleb

I'm still struggling to understand the SQL injection attack as explained 


I'll create a simple new snippet entry once I understand it! Thanks!
>> {{velocity}}
>> #set($results=$xwiki.searchDocuments("where doc.hidden = false and 
>> doc.id='${doc.parent}' order by doc.title asc"))
>> #foreach($item in $results)
>> #set ($itemdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item))
>> [$item>$item],
>> #end
>> {{/velocity}}
>> must list all documents having ${doc.parent} as parent. So, included in 
>> a page ICT.WebHome, must list all child documents having ICT.WebHome as 
>> parent, mustn't it?
>> Well, I get nothing by including this snippet in such ICT.WebHome page. 
>> And there are 50 documents that have this age as parent page!
>> Please, where am I wrong?
>> One more things. Please, how is it possible to compare doc.id and 
>> $doc.parent? As far as I understand, doc.id maps to XWD_ID in xwikidoc 
>> table (it is a bigint(20) field). And $doc.parent invokes getParent() 
>> and gets a string in the form Space.Document. Thus, how is it possible 
>> to compare both values?
>> Thanks for your help!
>>> Thank you,
>>> Chris
>>> On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 3:36 AM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] eBioTIC. [via XWiki] <
>>> ml-node+5704373-1764624309-299...@n2.nabble.com<ml-node%2b5704373-1764624309-299...@n2.nabble.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
>>>>> On 11/03/2010 07:47 PM, Chris Wagner wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I am having some issues with the "order by" clause in HQL - the
>>>> following
>>>>>> query:
>>>>>> $xwiki.searchDocuments("where doc.hidden = false and 
>>>>>> doc.id='${doc.parent}'
>>>>>> order by doc.title asc")
>>>> Please, Chris, what this query is designed for? And why do you use curly
>>>> braces to wrap doc.parent?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> is returning the expected set of documents, but the title order is
>>>> erratic.
>>>>>> The documents are reordered, but it is not alphabetized as anticipated.
>>>>>> Instead, there are several alphabetized "spurts" -- for example, I have
>>>> 'A',
>>>>>> 'C', 'P', ... 'A', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', etc. Within one of these
>>>> spans,
>>>>>> no items appear out of order, but the 'span' separation is not expected
>>>> or
>>>>>> desired. Is there a common issue that I could be overlooking?
>>>>> There are two types of titles.
>>>>> Document titles are stored in the database as the doc.title field, and
>>>>> they are editable in the editor above the content.
>>>>> Display titles are computed from the document title, first heading from
>>>>> the content, or the document name, depending on which one exists, in
>>>>> this order. Unfortunately it is not possible to see the display title in
>>>>> queries.
>>>>> I'm not sure, but I think that your problem is caused by this difference
>>>>> between display and document titles. The first set of documents has an
>>>>> empty document title, but in the UI you see their computed display
>>>>> title. The second set of documents is correctly ordered by their
>>>>> persisted document title.
>>>> --
>>>> Ricardo Rodríguez
>>>> CTO
>>>> eBioTIC.
>>>> Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems
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Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems

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