On 8 December 2010 14:29, Paul Harris <harris...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi again,
> I wanted to create a space for making notes for myself about administrating
> xwiki.
> As admin, I created new space, and wanted to add a link to
> XWikiPreferences.
> I clicked Edit, to edit the page.
> I clicked Link, to add a link to another page.c
> I expanded XWiki, but did not find XWikiPreferences
> I typed in XWikiPreferences (see screenshot), and it seemed to work fine -
> it found its child pages too
> I clicked select, and then I saw what you see in the screenshot - a
> "DocumentDoesNotExist" returned and squashed into a small box.
> what happened?
actually, I almost know what happened.

If I remove the ShortURL adjustments (for bin in particular) that I talked
about in a prev email, then it works.
It seems that /resources is both a static path, and also used for
redirecting to *.gwtrpc files.  my addition of /resources as a static path
seemed to stuff things up.

I'll ask further in that email thread...

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