Hi Thx Marius,

The script works;
    select distinct doc.fullName, 
      from XWikiDocument as doc, 
           BaseObject as obj, 
           StringProperty as prop,
           IntegerProperty as acti 
     where obj.className='XWiki.XWikiUsers' 
       and obj.name=doc.fullName 
       and prop.id.id=obj.id 
       and prop.name='first_name' 
       and prop.value is not empty 
       and prop.value in (
            select prop.value 
              from StringProperty as prop2 
             where prop2.id.id=obj.id 
               and prop2.name='last_name' 
               and prop2.value=prop.value)
       and acti.id.id=obj.id 
       and acti.name='active'
       and acti.value <> 1

This script will get all documents with object of class XWiki.XWikiUsers wher
first-name = last name
Active is not true

Typically these tend to be SPAM users

A tip I got from Ludovic is to use it in a groovy script and put it in a 
scheduled task
A improvement would be to add doc.created date to the query so users get enough 
time to validate
the email sended.

A improvement might also be to refine the class with some constraints scripting 
so spamming behaviour 
in user registration will get error like; this type of user information is used 
by Spammers also; please select other ...

Anybody has done this ?

Op 11 dec 2010, om 12:19 heeft Marius Dumitru Florea het volgende geschreven:

Hi Gerritjan,

On 12/10/2010 10:23 PM, Gerritjan Koekkoek wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking to build a script that will delete all registered users from our 
> XWiki
> that did not complete the registration by replying to the email and look like 
> SPAM registration (firstname = lastname)
> The property of the object of XWiki.XWikiUsers ->  active (of type boolean) 
> is false
> Now this is my first attempt to HQL and i need some help
> #foreach($result in $xwiki.search("
>     select distinct doc.fullName,
>                     prop.value
>       from XWikiDocument as doc,
>            BaseObject as obj,
>            StringProperty as prop,
>            BooleanProperty as acti
>      where obj.className='XWiki.XWikiUsers'
>        and obj.name=doc.fullName
>        and prop.id.id=obj.id
>        and prop.name='first_name'
>        and prop.value is not empty
>        and prop.value in (
>             select prop.value
>               from StringProperty as prop2
>              where prop2.id.id=obj.id
>                and prop2.name='last_name'
>                and prop2.value=prop.value)
>        and acti.id.id=obj.id
>        and acti.name='active'
>        and acti.value=false
>        "))
>   * $result.get(0) - $result.get(1)
> #end
> BooleanProperty is a wild guess of me looking at StringProperty as a example
> The query should look for users where first-name = last-name and active is 
> false
> If possible I would like to check if the document creation date/time is more 
> then 8 hours old

I guess you've seen 
but you missed 
. Shouldn't be hard to combine them.

Hope this helps,

> Gerritjan
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