Hi XWiki users,

fwiw I just want to share my experiences and observations with XWiki 
instance running out of memory.

I was having a hard time to track this down but in the end I could 
successfully isolate the problem.
For quite some time my XWiki instance was getting unresponsive to 
requests sooner or later.

The Wiki was hosted on a VirtualBox VM and in most cases the VM guest 
was just freezing and needed to be restarted leaving no usable traces in 
the logs. In some cases I even found JVM crash reports so I first 
checked different JVMs and VirtualBox versions (PUEL and OSE licences).

I had no success with this approach and so I moved the XWiki directly to 
a host environment (Ubuntu 10.10). I added Server instrumentation 
(VisualVM) but still the wiki got down after a while. Surprisingly the 
system was hanging although in many cases there was even enough memory 
available (I checked different VM settings up to 4GB).
Finally a VisualVM thread dump showed what happened:
When the robots came visiting my service they query a large number of 
pages and among them was one user-url:
.../XWiki/someUser which ran into an infinite looping condition when 
rendering the page.
I don't know how this could happen but as a result the whole memory was 
consumed and partly released afterwards so it seemed that there is still 
enough space available. Once this happened however the Webserver needed 
to be restarted because it wasn't responsive any more.
Since I have deleted this user account everything is running ok for a 
couple of days now - I still have to move the service back into the 
VirtualBox guest VM.

What puzzles me finally that its possible that one single request can 
kill the service by going into an infinte rendering loop.
I would have thought that at some level there is a depth limit to 
prevent such conditions.

Hope these observations help someone though ....


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