
You have two blog pages: SPace1.Blog and Space2.Blog
And both blog pages are set to list all blogs and not only blogs from
space, that why you blogs in both location.



2011/3/4 Gérard Turmel <gtur...@sisteer.com>:
> Hello
> I created a new blog in a new space according to explanations  in the link
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Blog+Application
> But the new blog and  the wiki blog share the same items.
> The wiki blog posts  are shown in the new blog.
> And if I create a new article in the new blog, I see it in both blogs.
> Are  there some additional installations or configuration to do?
> I did not install the WAR xwiki-application-blog.
> I'am under XWiki Enterprise 3.0-milestone-2.34501
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